Support Us

Celebrating a birthday, anniversary, or other life milestone?  Know anyone getting married, having a Bar/Bat Mitzvah, publishing a book, playing in a concert? Observing a yahrzeit? These are just a few of the many occasions you might want to mark with a tax-deductible donation to Mishkan Ha’am.  We very much appreciate anything you can give.

Contributions may be mailed to:

Mishkan Ha’am
18 Farragut Ave.
Hastings-on-Hudson, NY 10706

Also, you can click on this link to AmazonSmile, an automatic way for you to support a charitable organization every time you shop on – at no cost to you. If you select Mishkan Ha’am, Amazon will donate 0.5% of the price of your eligible purchases to MH! Donations are made by the AmazonSmile Foundation and are not tax deductible by you.